The Financial System
1. When financial markets channel funds from savers to investors, who benefits?
benefit when funds are channeled from savers to investors. Investors are able to con-
duct projects that generate profits and savers are able to earn a positive return on
their funds by gaining access to some of these profits. The benefits of well-function-
ing financial markets go beyond the gains that accrue to the immediately involved
parties—here, the savers and investors. Since financial markets aid in the realization
of new investment projects—for example, the building of new factories—workers and
consumers also gain. The true benefit of financial markets lies in their supporting role
in fostering economic growth as measured by real GDP.
2. Suppose an owner of a corporation needs $1 million to finance a new investment.
If his total wealth is $1.2 million, would it be better to use his own funds for the in-
vestment or to issue stock in the corporation? What if the owner’s wealth is $1 billion?
3. Suppose you were required to put all your retirement savings in the securities of
one company. What company would you choose, and why? Would you choose the
company you work for? Would you buy stock or bonds?
CHAPTER 1 The Financial System A-1