Chapter 3
Aggregate Production and Productivity
◼ Chapter Outline, Overview, and Teaching Tips
Chapter Outline
Determinants of Aggregate Production
Factors of Production
Production Function
Cobb-Douglas Production Function
Application: Why Are Some Countries Rich and Others Poor?
Cobb-Douglas Production Function Characteristics
Changes in the Production Function: Supply Shocks
Determination of Factor Prices
Demand for Capital and Labor
Supply of Capital and Labor
Factor Market Equilibrium
Distribution of National Income
Application: Explaining Real Wage Growth
Application: Oil Shocks, Real Wages, and the Stock Market
Concluding Remarks
Chapter Overview and Teaching Tips
This chapter develops one of the basic building blocks for all the macroeconomic analysis throughout this
book, the aggregate production function. Not only is the aggregate production function used in the study of
economic growth, where it plays a central role, it also is a key element of business cycle analysis because
it determines the level of potential output given the factor inputs.
The chapter starts by discussing the fundamental factors of production and develops the Cobb-Douglas