218 Mishkin • Macroeconomics: Policy and Practice, Second Edition
6. a. The change in the intertemporal budget line from IBL1 to IBL2 is the result of a decrease in the
interest rate, as the intertemporal budget line has a slope equal to: – (1 + r).
b. The substitution effect on present consumption derived from the decrease in the interest rate is
$150 (calculated as the difference between $500 and $650). The decrease in the interest rate
makes future consumption relatively more expensive, and the individual increases his or her
present consumption. This is obtained by applying the new slope of the intertemporal budget line
to the original indifference curve IC1 (represented as point B in the graph). There is also an
income effect, as the decrease in the interest rate decreases the value of lifetime resources.
According to the graph, the income effect on present consumption is the change from $650 to
$700 (or $50). Present consumption increases by $200, and the larger effect is the substitution
◼ Data Sources, Related Articles, and Discussion Questions
A. For Information About Application: Consumer Confidence and the Business
Data Source
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis database (FRED):
http://research.stlouisfed.org/fred2/series/UMCSENT. Here you can find data about the University of
Michigan consumer sentiment index.
Related Article
Bloomberg, “Consumer Confidence in U.S. Plunges to Lowest Since 2009 on Jobs Outlook”:
as-index-slumps-to-44-5.html. This article details the drop in consumer sentiment that occurred in
fall 2011.