Select Method 1
Calculator solution:
Method 1:
Find the PV of cash inflow using a financial calculator at 12 percent:
Press the following keys: 2nd, CF, 2nd, Clear.
Calculator displays CFo, enter 75,000 and press +|–, press the Enter key.
Press down arrow, enter 18,000, and press Enter.
Press down arrow, enter 1, and press Enter.
Press down arrow, enter 24,000, and press Enter.
Press down arrow, enter 1, and press Enter.
Press down arrow, enter 34,000, and press Enter.
Press down arrow, enter 1, and press Enter.
Press down arrow, enter 26,000, and press Enter.
Press down arrow, enter 1, and press Enter.
Press down arrow, enter 14,000, and press Enter.
Press down arrow, enter 1, and press Enter.
Press NPV; calculator shows I = 0; enter 12 and press Enter.