Chapter 17 - The Management and Control of Quality
After the model depicted in Exhibit 17.3 is discussed, the instructor can discuss with students different
approaches that can be taken to develop performance standards and expectations as regards quality. In
Chapter 17 we discuss the following alternatives:
o Six Sigma performance level (including the DMAIC methodology)
o Goalpost conformance—conforms to a quality specification expressed as a range around the
target. (See Exhibit 17.4 in the text.)
o Absolute quality conformance (robust quality conformance)–requires all products or services
to meet the target value exactly, not within a range. (See Exhibit 17.5 in the text.)
o Taguchi Quality Loss Functions (which depict quality costs/losses as a quadratic function—the
farther one gets from targeted specification for quality, the greater the “penalty” or loss to the
organization). The following topics are separately covered:
o Loss function, L(x), which can be used to depict the relationship between the total loss
due to quality defects and the extent of quality defects (i.e., deviation from targeted
o Total quality cost/loss and average (expected) loss?
is 0.01, then the value of = $600,000. A reduction of the allowed tolerance by half (0.005)
increases the value of to $2,400,000. The cost of a quality defect increases as the allowed range
of variation decreases.