Chapter 01 - Cost Management and Strategy
1. Cost and management accounting have changed from what was once a focus on financial record
4. As the demands on cost management change, so have the responsibilities of the management
accountant. Each topic covered in the course will include professional and ethical issues.
Welcome to Students
(The following is in the front pages of the book, and can be used to help motivate the first day of
class. Also, for a description of how the first two chapters of the text can be used in the first days of
class, see the article by Edward J. Blocher, “Teaching Cost Management: A Strategic Emphasis,”
Issues in Accounting Education, February, 2009, pp 1-12.
To the student:
We have written this book to help you understand the role of cost management in helping an organization
succeed. Unlike many books that aim to teach you about accounting, we aim to show you how an
important area of accounting, cost management, is used by managers to help organizations achieve their
goals. An important aspect of cost management in our text is the strategic focus. By strategy we mean
the long-term plan the organization has developed to compete successfully
Most organizations strive to achieve a competitive edge through the execution of a specific strategy. For
some firms it is low cost, and for other it might be high quality, customer service, or some unique feature
or attributes of its product or service. We know in these competitive times that an organization does not
succeed by being ordinary. In contrast, it develops a strategy that will set it apart from competitors and
assure its attractiveness to customers and other stakeholders into the future. The role of cost management
is to help management of the organization attain and maintain success through strategy implementation.
Thus, in every chapter, and in every problem and case in the text, there is a larger issue, which is: “How