Chapter 10 Monetary Policy and Aggregate Demand 107
12. In the aftermath of a stock market crash, uncertainty about the performance of many firms increases,
and stock price volatility increases as well. The increase in stock price volatility increases the relative
safety of holding money. Thus, money demand should increase. However, shares of stock are a
significant portion of some individuals’ wealth. A stock market crash means that stock prices
decrease, negatively affecting the wealth of these individuals. As a consequence, the demand for
13. For this country, the evidence shows that velocity can be considered a constant, meaning that the
relationship between the money supply (as measured by M2) is closely related to aggregate spending
(nominal GDP). In this case it would be a good idea to focus the attention of monetary policy on a
monetary aggregate, as its growth rate would be a good indicator of the stance of monetary policy. A
risk associated with this strategy is that if the relationship between the monetary aggregate and
aggregate spending breaks down, monetary policy authorities would be focusing on the wrong
instrument to reach their monetary policy objectives.
◼ Data Sources, Related Articles, and Discussion Questions
A. For Information About Policy and Practice: Movements Along the MP
Curve: The Rise in the Federal Funds Rate Target, 2004–2006
Data Source
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis data base (FRED): Click on “Edit” and change the years to 2003–2007
to observe changes in the effective federal funds rate engineered by the Fed during this period.
Related Article
Federal Reserve System, “Press Release”: This is the FOMC
statement (June 2004) that declares the first rise in the federal funds rate target in the 2004–2006 period.
Discussion Question
In the second paragraph of the June 30, 2004, FOMC statement, the committee affirmed that it increased
the federal funds rate target partly due to the fact that “The evidence accumulated over the intermeeting
period indicates that output is continuing to expand at a solid pace and labor market conditions have