39-4A. Liability for preincorporation contracts
The appellate court agreed with the trial court—Alexander and Looney had not acted on behalf
of the corporation, and thus, they were not liable to Harris. In passing the state’s business
corporation act, the appellate court pointed out, “the Arkansas General Assembly adopted a
39-5A. Disregarding the corporate entity
The court found Ameri-Pak International responsible for the damage and held Zuberi personally
liable. The court reasoned that Zuberi knowingly signed the lease with the Gimberts as the
39-6A. Liability of shareholders
The court ruled in PTR’s favor, and on appeal, the Missouri Court of Appeals affirmed. The
appellate court pointed out that “[t]o pierce the corporate veil, a plaintiff must show: (1) Control,
not mere majority or complete stock control, but complete domination, not only of finances, but
of policy and business practice in respect to the transaction attacked so that the corporate entity
as to this transaction had at the time no separate mind, will or existence of its own; and (2) Such