28-5A. Debit cards
The steps in a debit card transaction begins with a card issuer, Auburn Bank in this case,
providing cards to its customers, who use their cards to make purchases or obtain cash. A re-
tailer’s electronic cash register or an institution’s automatic-teller-machine (ATM) records the
amount and the routing number of the issuing bank. The retailer or institution then submits the
recorded data to its bank. This bank forwards claims for funds to the system operator. The op-
erator transmits these claims to the issuing bank. Once the issuing bank honors its obligations
28-6A. Check collection
The court issued a summary judgment in favor of the bank. Check Cashing appealed to a state
intermediate appellate court, which reversed and remanded for a trial on the issue of both par-
ties’ negligence. The bank appealed to the state supreme court, which reinstated the summary
judgment. The court explained that “[i]n the absence of a specific agreement or undertaking by
the Bank, or a ‘contact’ clearly implying that the Bank would respond within a specified period of
time earlier than permitted by the Code’s midnight deadline, no duty can be said to have arisen.”
28-7A. Forged signatures