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Business and Professional Communication, 3rd edition
Kelly M. Quintanilla, Shawn T. Wahl
Chapter 10: Leadership and Conflict Management
Chapter Activities
Activities to Illustrate Key Concepts
Activity 1: Class Discussion on Video Examples of Leaders
Description: This is a class activity that involves students bringing in YouTube clips that
illustrate leadership as being defined by charisma, birthright, or job title. It is designed as a
discussion learning opportunity. This activity will require the ability of showing videos to a
class using some type of overhead projection system and computer.
1. This discussion activity is based on the “What is Leadership” section of chapter 10.
2. Briefly introduce the concepts of leadership being based on charisma, birthright, or job
title. Give students the assignment of bringing to the next class period YouTube video
clips or other media video clips of leaders (business, nonprofit, political, etc.) that
illustrate one of these styles of leadership.
3. At the next class session, use the whiteboard to get a listing of the video and style of
leadership it illustrates.
4. Based on the amount of time available, select videos that would illustrate the three
different styles of leadership and have the student who found the video show and
present the video using the class computer and overhead projection.
5. The instructor will then lead a class discussion on the validity of these styles of
leadership, or if these point out that in our current professional business environment
there should be a different style of leadership.
Activity 2: Class Discussion on Video Examples of Leaders
Description: This is a class activity that involves students bringing in YouTube clips that
illustrate leadership as being defined as a dynamic relationship based on mutual influence
and common purpose between leaders and collaborators in which both are moved to higher
levels of motivation and moral development as they effect real, intended change. It is
designed as a discussion learning opportunity. This activity will require the ability of showing
videos to a class using some type of overhead projection system and computer.
1. This discussion activity is based on the “What is Leadership” section of chapter 10.
2. Briefly introduce the concepts of leadership being based on mutual influence and
common purpose between leaders and collaborators in which both are moved to higher
levels of motivation and moral development as they effect real, intended change.
3. Give students the assignment of bringing to the next class period YouTube video clips or
other media video clips of leaders (business, nonprofit, political, etc.) that illustrate this
style of leadership.
6. The instructor will then lead a class discussion on the validity of this style of leadership,
or if this style of leadership is more appropriate for our current professional business